How to Co-Create Your Amazing Life

"How to Co-Create Your Amazing Life!


  • Are you feeling discouraged about your dreams? 
  • Have you become disillusioned, even hopeless about some aspect of your life ever changing for the better?
  • Do you feel like you're stuck in a situation you simply cannot escape?
  • Maybe you're very successful in some areas of your life, but one or more other areas feel off, lackluster or frustrating?

I know how you feel. I felt the same way once. Whether it's one area of your life or the whole cotton-pickn' mess that needs help, please read on...

In August 2011, as I rode back from a family beach vacation, I made a decision that would forever change my life. I was burnt out with my business (even though it was super successful), and unhappy with my personal life. I was miserable and dying a little every day in my marriage.  Over the hours it took to return home, I sat in the passenger seat of our minivan painting a mental picture of what I wanted my life and relationships to be like in two years' time..

I got super clear
on the type of relationship I'd rather have,  how I wanted to feel in my marriage, and how
I wanted my life to look
. My dream was to be  surrounded by passionate relationships that fueled my fire. I envisioned a marriage that was co-creative, collaborative and connected. In this vision, I was passionate about my work and the people who surrounded me. I pictured traveling, speaking and engaging fully in life.

This emotionally charged picture felt
incredibly real
to me in those hours, but what became even more clear was that I was not capable of receiving this vision -- at least not yet. I was tired, burnt out, forty pounds overweight, and exhausted most of the time. If my husband did morph into an energetic, adventurous soul who "got me," I wouldn't be capable of keeping up with him. Or if my current relationship ended, I wasn't prepared to be a companion to, must less attract, the person I envisioned.

So I knew, if this vision was to be, it was up to me to change myself. I had to get in shape, eliminate the extra weight, and regain my vitality. I had to start taking care of and transform myself into the type of person who could attract the relationships and lifestyle I envisioned.

When I got home, I started taking vitamins and walking a few times a week. Gradually I added a visit to the gym. I worked up to a couple gym visits each week. Then I was going to the gym three days a week, then five. Only a few months in, I was addicted. I didn't obsess over the weight. I concerned myself with how I felt. Was my energy increasing? Yes!

As I write this, a little over 3 years after that life-altering trip home from the beach. 

  • I am out of the painful marriage that held me captive (something I never thought I'd have the courage to do). 
  • I'm 50 pounds lighter.
  • I feel 15 years younger.
  • I enjoy my work and the clients I get to
    work with are phenomenal.
  • I love the direction my life is going. 
  • I'm surrounded by amazing, talented friends and colleagues who are collaborative and encouraging.
  • What's more, in my personal life, I'm attracting the types of relationships I envisioned. 
  • I'm so grateful for the things that are coming into my life.

I used a lot of tools to help me along my way. One of the primary ones was Carolyn Cooper's SimplyHealed MethodTM of energy work. I systematically began facing fears, increasing my self-worth, valuing myself more, and letting go of
guilt, shame, and a slew of other emotions and false beliefs that stood in my way. I also aligned myself with universal laws that brought my vision into reality.

Probably the biggest shift came when I realized that God WANTED me to have my dream -- that He was 100% behind me living a joyful, fulfilling life!

The transformation has been so miraculous to me -- and so on target with what I envisioned in that car ride home from the beach -- that I am excited to share it with you so YOU too can start creating the life of your dreams!

That's why in this workshop, you'll be able to join me for a no-holds-barred workshop where I'll be revealing my secrets of creating an extraordinary life. PLUS, I'll be using the same energy techniques that worked for me, on your behalf! 

If you're ready to create the life of your dreams, join me, for

 "How to Co-Create Your Amazing Life!"

In the first lesson, you'll discover...

How to Craft an Unstoppable Dream! You'll learn how to create a definite major purpose that fuels your fire and propels you foreword. Not just any goal will do. There are certain characteristics of a dream that leads to action and produces results. 

THE formula for transforming your dreams into reality. Once you have this formula, you'll understand why you have succeeded on some things in the past, but not others. From there you'll be able to duplicate your successes in new areas.

In the second lesson, I'll help you...

Eliminate the five dream killers using cutting edge energy shifting techniques. No matter how much you may want your dream, if these are in the way, you'll sabotage your success. We'll not only address these common dream killers, but also I'll help you remove them using energy work.

Your dream's going to come to you! I'll be using energy techniques to amp up the vibration on your dream and put you in resonance with it!

Each lesson includes an MP3 audio and PDF handout.

Also Included:

Define Your Big Vision and Stay On Target With It with my unique journaling system. You'll receive journal pages and instructions on how to use them.

Shift Old Thinking Patterns and Implement New Powerful Ones - with my specially crafted affirmations that will connect you fully to your big vision and keep you consistently moving toward it. 

Co Create Your Life with God! My bonus meditation is made especially for Christians. It takes you to Christ where you can co-create your life with God.

What People Are Saying
About Working with Marnie ...

 "After three weeks of applying the principles in this class, I have identified my Definite Major Purpose in life and made a couple of key choices for what I want to do this year. The happy byproduct of this is that in identifying that purpose and making those choices, it will be easier to spot those things I can let go of or at least put on the back burner for the time being. This class was inspiring and empowering and I am so grateful for its timing in my life."- Elizabeth H. Cottrell of

“I love this workshop! The first class filled me with hope. It's such a nice formula that makes me feel like, "Okay, I can go down this list and trust that somebody has actually accomplished this with this plan and that it really can happen." It's so very hopeful.”
Penny Hansen

"Marnie’s creative shift work is amazing! I worked with her as I was making a big transition in my business to step into a bolder passionate message. She helped me to move all those pebbles that were preventing me from shining brightly and confidently in my new message. It’s those subtle, unconscious things that get in your way. Marnie is truly masterful at helping you identify what your pebbles and rocks are. She’s so committed to helping you remove those blocks so you can show up as your most powerful self!" 
- Laura West,

"Marnie Pehrson Marcus is an absolute inspiration! I find myself learning something new or being inspired every time I hear her speak or read her written word. I love Marnie's live trainings because they are so personal and specific while still giving a ton of awesome information. My life has been completely changed because of Marnie and I love the SimplyHealed technique that she now adds into her mentoring and trainings. I cannot say enough about Marnie!! I HIGHLY encourage you to attend her trainings! You will NOT be disappointed!" - Martina Muir

 Private Facebook Group

This is a great place to ask questions, discuss anything that's coming up for you, bounce ideas around with fellow Amazing Life
Participants, find accountability partners and much more!

"How to Co-Create Your Amazing Life!
Video Series with accompanying PDF Handouts,
affirmations, meditation MP3, charts, journal, etc.

Only $147 

only $27!