In my last blog, I talked about a meditation that revealed the secret to the perfection of being. It was “rejoicing in being alive and letting whatever comes be enough.”

Over the years as an entrepreneur, I’ve come to realize that I control very little of the outcomes or revenue streams of my business directly. I could spend dozens of hours creating one product, only to have it sell a minimal amount. Then, the money I need comes from an entirely different source.

The moment I try to control or manipulate the source of the revenue, the more difficult it is to obtain. But if I let go and trust that what I need will come from “Somewhere,” then invariably it does. Sometimes it comes in a deluge of abundance. Other times, it comes at a more controlled, consistent pace. The only control I seem to have over any of it is my ability to “rejoice in being alive and letting whatever comes be enough.”

But the more I let fear, worry or thoughts of lack creep in, the more I think I have to “do something” and the tighter things become. I often say the hardest work you will ever do in your business is to control your thoughts! For a workaholic that translates into controlling your actions as well because action for action’s sake isn’t the answer.

Rejoicing in what comes with a grateful heart seems to be the secret to peace, joy, love — and abundance. But giving is equally important. It’s both our ability to receive and to give that allows the circulation of abundance in our lives. “Cast your bread upon the waters and after many days it will return to you toasted and buttered.”

I realize this is an odd thing for an entrepreneur with 20 years of business experience to say, but the only thing you can really control is your attitude, your gratitude and your ability to act upon inspiration. If you’ll trust and listen to inspiration and act accordingly, you don’t have to work yourself crazy. You can relax, enjoy life and work strategically.

In the last 6 months we had some extra medical and college expenses come up and I decided I could use another revenue stream to cover them. I came up with a half dozen or more ideas but as I took time to be still and ask where I should spend my energy, the answer was always, “no, not that one.” Finally the revenue came from a series of 2-3 small tweaks I made to some programming. I spent maybe 3-4 hours to generate tens of thousands of dollars in revenue.

In the old days, I would have gone off scattered creating 3-4 products, working hours and hours and still not generating the level of revenue I made with these small inspired tweaks.  Did you ever see the movie Contact with Jody Foster? Her father’s advice to her always comes to mind, “Small moves, Ellie. Small moves.”

Staying in tune with inspiration and acting accordingly is more valuable to you than anything. Sometimes the inspiration will tell you to do a chunk of work, but at least you’ll know it’s strategic work that produces results or opens doors of opportunities.

Before you launch into hours on your next project idea, ask yourself a couple questions…

  • Is this in line with my overarching focus? Just because you can make money at something doesn’t mean you should make money at it. Stay within your focus. If you haven’t discovered your focus, get the first 50 pages of my book  “You’re Here for a Reason: Discover and Live Your Purpose” for free. It has worksheets to help you find your focus.
  • Have I taken time to step back, sleep on, ponder and pray about this idea? Have I asked if it’s a good direction or am I running on fear/panic?

If you’re operating from fear and panic, you know you’re off track. Always operate from a place of stillness and trust. Do whatever it takes to find that place before you act.

About Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create, align with, and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. If you'd like Marnie and her husband Dave to work with you personally on Your Great Reinvention, get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.