Hold On, the Light Within You Is Still There!

I’ve noticed a pattern among successful women entrepreneurs. It occurs after you’ve been in business a while. You’re going along, doing great. Then, there comes a point when you feel the need to reinvent yourself…

– Perhaps the old way you were doing things doesn’t work anymore.
– Maybe you’re just burnt out and need a change.
– Or life may send you a slamming blow that knocks the wind out of you.

Whatever the case may be, there is this turning point where everything has to shift.

I call this the Transparency Phase in the Light Bearer process. You’ve been shining, you’ve been impacting the world with your work, but now you’re being called to step it up a notch. Unfortunately, for a while it doesn’t feel like stepping up. It feels more like you’re being leveled to the ground.

If you forge on through, you will be taken to a new place where you’ll be able to make a richer impact on your audience, dive deeper with your customers, deliver your message in a clearer way, and shine brighter than you ever have before.

Before you get to that place, though, you’ll be called to let go of everything that no longer serves you. If there are money leaks in your finances, those will need to be stopped. If there are relationships that drain you, those will need to be repaired or discarded.

If there are any “black blobs on your glowing ball of light” or any area where you are in-congruent with your message, you will be challenged in that very area. Your strengths will feel more like weaknesses.

At times it may feel like everything you valued in yourself – everything you felt you were good at — is stripped away. You’re left with nothing. The truth is, you aren’t alone. You do still have something incredibly valuable. In fact, it is EVERYTHING.

As I traveled through the Transparency Phase, I started owning this gift, but it took a while to come to that point.

The power of flight is within you.For months I was like a bird on a branch that was cracked and snapping beneath me. I’d been trusting in the security of the branch. I didn’t realize I didn’t need the branch because I had the power of flight within my wings!

Eventually, I came to understand that what I bring to the table is not web traffic, promotional ability, creating revenue, teaching, or even influence.

What I do have is my ability to ask, seek inspiration, receive it and act upon it. Markets can change, Google can create new algorithms, calamities may befall, but with this power to seek inspiration, receive it, and act, anything is possible.

I am not alone. And neither are you!

This gift of receiving and acting upon inspiration is what has carried me through the last 23 years in business. But I will warn you … as you come to realize that all you really need is heaven’s inspiration (and that’s all you have), even that may be tested. Circumstances may cause you to question…

– How much do I trust my ability to receive inspiration and hear correctly?

– What do I do when my inspiration is called into question by others?

– Will I follow it even when others don’t agree or think I’m wrong?

It’s an interesting place to be… but I’ve been amazed at the clarity that comes simultaneously. During this pivotal time, I was given panoramic views of my life — the good, the bad, the deception, the light. the people who have been strategically placed in my life for pivotal purposes. It’s very empowering to discern so clearly and speak your truth — even when it might hurt someone else’s feelings or rock the boat.

I understand now why Job in the Bible asked that his integrity not be taken away. When everything you think you are is stripped away, all that is left is your integrity. Your desire to hang onto it makes you courageous in speaking from that place of clarity… speaking your truth… no matter what the cost, no matter what anyone else thinks or feels. You have nothing else to lose.

THIS is the place from which you are ready to SHINE!

If you’re going through the Transparency Phase, I hope you’ll join me for my Traversiamo System. Traversiamo is an Italian word that means “let’s cross over.” Don’t doubt yourself. You have the gifts and the knowledge within you. It’s time to cross over to that place of shining and I’ll be guiding you through the process. To find out more, click here.

In the meantime, “Hold On, The Light Will Come:”

About Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create, align with, and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. If you'd like Marnie and her husband Dave to work with you personally on Your Great Reinvention, get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.