People are hurting. There are problems that are too sensitive to talk about, that people don’t feel comfortable discussing in public, perhaps even in private. Some problems have a lot of shame associated with them (porn, suicide, addictions, etc).

In some value systems, it can be more difficult to discuss “sinful” or embarrassing subjects. In society as a whole, there are some thoughts, feelings or beliefs that would not be “politically correct” to admit in public without unleashing scorn and derision.

It is obvious that people are feeling stifled. Otherwise there wouldn’t be millions of people voting for a presidential candidate who is willing to “say anything” whether it’s politically correct or not.  This man has become “the voice” for millions who feel like society has shamed, demeaned, or stifled their thoughts, feelings and speech.

Be The Voice

In this brief video I share why it’s important to acknowledge this societal dynamic and how tapping into it could help you build a tribe (a loyal fan base). By being the voice for this voiceless group, you could leverage the power of vulnerability to deliver your message to those who desperately need it most.

jennifer lampreyPlease join me for Marnie’s Marketing Monday on October 24th as we discuss Be the Voice: How to Harness Vulnerability to Build a Tribe.” 

My special guest will be Jennifer Lamprey of The No Porn Club.

We’ll be having a deep discussion about how to speak, write and build a fan base around difficult subjects — how to be the voice for those who are too hurt or afraid to speak for themselves. In doing so, many of us have some really challenging questions:

  • How do you speak out when doing so affects other people?
  • What if you speaking out means airing someone else’s dirty laundry?
  • How do you handle backlash from family and friends?

Jennifer and I will discuss all these and more, PLUS, you’ll be able to chime in with your questions. Be sure to click here to get details on how to attend.

About Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create, align with, and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. If you'd like Marnie and her husband Dave to work with you personally on Your Great Reinvention, get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.